My Gaming Memories


Some of the earliest things I can remember from my life are playing video games with my mom.

I have small glimpses of being very little and sitting on her lap while she played Space Invaders and Pac-Man on the Atari 2600.

While I was under the age of 5, I remember her showing me how to play. And introducing me to games like Combat, Adventure and Space Invaders.

When I was about 6 our family got a Nintendo Entertainment System with the light gun and R.O.B. the Robot.

I remember how much I hated that robot… He really failed to live up to the expectations of robots the 80’s had instilled in us as kids.

The light-gun was pretty sweet though.

We had several games that came with the NES but nothing prepared me for when I inserted a shiny gold cartridge into the system, and this popped up on the screen.

The Legend of Zelda – Start Screen

As a kid I fell in love with this game and it changed the way I looked at video games.

What before had been brief moments of challenge or button mashing turned into something REAL. An adventure that occupied my imagination and sucked me into it’s world.

I spent many months as a kid playing, reading, imagining and dreaming about The Legend of Zelda.

We had subscribe to Nintendo Power and I still remember when the first issue arrived in the mail with Mario and Bowser on the cover.

Some of my fondest childhood memories are growing up playing video games with my friends.

I remember playing Contra all the time with my best friend and playing Ikari Warriors with another.

Some of my favorite games were Zelda, Super Mario, Duck Hunt, Gumshoe, Wizards and Warriors, Rygar, Blaster Master, TMNT, Goonies II and too many others to mention.

I never had a Game Boy growing up, but a neighbor friend let me borrow his once and I thought it was pretty cool. Still, it didn’t have the same appeal to me as my Nintendo.

My bestfriend had a Game Gear that he would bring to sleepovers though.

Playing Sonic the Hedgehog in the dark, in color, in bed, in the 80’s was mind blowing! But my god did that thing go through batteries…

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